Watermelon Quells Summer Heat

Happy Independence Day!

Summer is all about Yang energy in motion and the element of Fire season increasing blood circulation. The Heart and Small Intestine are in focus this time of year – full of joy, anxiety and heat! It’s important to keep a close relationship with Water to maintain balance, as it’s easy for Fire to flare up when we’re outdoors having fun burning up fluids. So how do we stay healthy and hydrated during those hot days without feeling you’re melting from the inside out?

A juicy watermelon is key to replenishing fluids and cooling the body down. Even better than the red center core is munching on the rind itself, as it’s high in vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. You can easily find a handful of foods at your local grocery store that hold similar cooling properties including mung bean, wild mint, barley, hibiscus tea and cucumber.

In honor of the 4th of July, get out there and have fun!

Esme Evans, L.Ac.

Esme is a staff acupuncturist at Alpenglow Acupuncture.


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