My Wonky Face

A couple of months ago, I had to email a selfie to another practitioner for a healing session so I snapped a shot, took a peek and went “EEEEK!!!!” I couldn’t believe my eyes! Did I have Bell’s Palsy? What happened? After a couple of smiles and winks, I convinced myself that I was okay. I took another photo, working to open my right eye and relax that side of my mouth at the same time. HA! What a disaster. After a few more tries, I got the picture you see on the left. Just a little smirky, not too bad, but definitely not as even as I had hoped, given the effort I was putting in. 

So I decided it was time to see Cortnae for some facial rejuvenation acupuncture to see if she could even me out. In the sessions, she started out with body points to address whatever complaints I had at the time (remember the knee incident?), then she did cupping and gua sha, which are both like a nice facial massage, followed by gentle needling in my face. Finally, she put a Celluma (you can read more about that here)  over my face and let me rest. 

The picture on the right is about halfway through the series of 10, and I think I’m evening out fairly well. I am NOT making any effort in this one - just giving a nice smile. It’s nice to not have to work so hard to look normal!!!

I’ll keep you updated on future progress, but I thought I’d share how it is going here at the halfway point. 

Karen Marks, L.Ac.

Karen is the founder of Alpenglow Acupuncture.

Acupuncture provides relief for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis


Allergies? Acupuncture to the rescue!