Back to School

It’s that time of year again for us parents - back to school! As I’ve been thinking about the upcoming shift in our schedule, I have been making plans. Of course, last year we had covid in the house the first week of school which turned all our grand plans upside down, so I know anything can happen, but here are a few things I’m doing to prep the family this year (in addition to getting school supplies and clothes, finding the lunch box and backpack, etc.).

And, by the way, these things are great for non-school people too - it’s always good to check yourself every once in a while. 🙂

Moving bedtime forward. It’s been a loosey goosey summer for us in terms of bedtime. On our camping trip to South Dakota, we were up until dark, which meant 9:30 or 10, and we have not fully returned to a reasonable bedtime for a 7-year-old. We’ve been creeping the bedtime routine forward 5-10 minutes a night, with the hope that we will be on track when school starts. Sleep is essential for EVERYTHING, so I recommend making it a priority. If you have trouble with your sleep, you can read here for some handy sleep tips. (Or come in for some acupuncture, of course)

Cleaning up the diet. Yes, we tend to eat well in our house, but summer has led to a few more “treats” than usual. I know this one will be a battle (sugar is super addictive after all) but it’s one worth fighting. We’ll have extra fruit on hand to smooth the transition and satisfy the sweet tooth. Sugar depresses the immune system and causes ups and downs in moods, so it’s important to me for us to get this under control before getting back in the petri dish that is school.

Guarding the schedule for the first few weeks of school. My friend who teaches 1st grade warned me when we were starting public school that the kids are all so tired the first month back. At the time, we were transitioning from a full time preschool (seriously, not a summer break, but the week before he had been in school) so I thought it wouldn’t affect us. Boy, was I wrong. And then last year, I thought, well we’ve been thru this so it won’t be so bad. Boy, was I wrong. This year...I’m ready!! I’ll be prioritizing R&R and not overscheduling that first month of school. (It’s actually one of our family values not to overschedule in general, but I’m getting hardcore about it for the transition).

Getting the herb and supplement medicine cabinet stocked. I’m making sure that we are stocked up on vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, nasal rinse gear and the various pediatric liquid herbs that I can compound for different presentations of illness: CQ Jr, Bupleurum & Angelica, Lung Qi Jr, Tummy Qi, Chest Relief and Tender Teeth (this last one is a teething formula, but it’s main function is calming so I still use it from time to time). Knowing that I have all the tools I might need gives me confidence that we can weather any illness that comes our way. And if you are interested in learning about how you can use these herbs, I’ll happily share it with you!

Well, I hope with these preparations we can have a smooth first month of school. I’m definitely the most ready for it than I have ever been, but you never know what’s gonna happen…

Let me know how you’re prepping for school - I’d love to hear your ideas!

Karen Marks, L.Ac.

Karen is the founder of Alpenglow Acupuncture.

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